Export as a business idea has turned out to become a really lucrative option for young entrepreneurs in India. It does not involve heavy investment but just the application of right business strategies and relevant market research in target country. If you can identify prospective international markets for Indian origin goods and manage to supply them, following the customs guidelines, of course. Then export is surely the right option for you.
Moreover with the onset of Make in India Campaign, the prospects of export business now has even higher chances of attaining a considerable success rate. The export market in India has grown by leaps and bounds over a period of time and continues to do so, as per the current market scenario. India is one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural products in the world. Hence agricultural products are mostly exported from India to various countries across globe. And since with the advent of Make in India campaign, India is expected to manufacture products across different sectors viz: defense, pharmaceutical, railways etc, and hence more are the chances of these products to get exported as well. Export business is also supported by the Indian government by giving relief to exporters in terms of taxes that is usually charged in case of other businesses.
There are a number of countries with which India has a strong business relation. Few of them are United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arab, U.S.A, Iran, Iraq, Nepal, Malaysia and the list continues. With physical boundaries being diminished by globalization, business opportunities in terms of International trade has increased tremendously. This is the best time for young entrepreneurs to monetize their skills and put a step ahead towards establishing their own empire. If one goes by a report shared by government, United Arab Emirates was the largest importer of agricultural products from India, who imported goods worth Rs. 10,000 Crores from India in the Financial Year 2016-2017.
In this article you are going to get information on export business opportunity and target country list. Your must have queries like where to export from India or largest export from India to which country? I have tried my level best to answer your queries in this article.
India has become one of the leading exporters of commodities across globe. Following are the countries which imports from India on a regular basis:
India’s Trading Partner Country List For Agricultural Products
#1. United Arab Emirates: The United Arab Emirates or the UAE is one of the largest markets for Indian export business. As India is a leading agricultural product manufacturer, hence major products that are exported includes Basmati Rice, Fresh Fruits and vegetables, Non-Basmati Rice, pulses, cocoa products, wheat, groundnut etc. Apart from these UAE also imports alcoholic beverages, processed meat, dairy products and Misc. Processed items. In the financial year 2016-2017, the total imports from UAE amounted to Rs.10,000 Crores.
#2. Saudi Arabia: This is the second largest marketplace for Indian export business. Though the products imported from Indian are more or less the same then those imported by other countries, still main commodities that are exported are: Basmati Rice, Buffalo Meat, Processed Fruits and Juices, Fresh Vegetables and fruits, Cereal Preparations etc. In the last financial year i.e. F.Y:2016-2017, total imports from Saudi Arab amounted to Rs. 8,000 Crores.
#3. U.S.A: United States of America, the most powerful country of the world accounts for the third largest importer of Indian goods. It imports Guargum in large quantities apart from other commodities such as Basmati Rice, Cereal Preparations, Dairy Products, Milled Products and several other products. U.S.A imported goods worth Rs. 7,000 in the Financial Year: 2016-2017 from India.
#4. Iran: Iran being a multi-ethnic and multicultural country, has residents having various requirements. As all the things cannot be manufactured, they can be bought from elsewhere. Hence Iran is India’s fourth largest marketplace for exporting Indian origin goods. Of the many commodities exported, few are Basmati Rice, Fresh fruits and vegetables, fruits/vegetable seeds, guargum, poultry products, floriculture, alcoholic beverages etc. Iran exported commodities worth Rs. 5,000 Crores in the Financial Year: 2016-17 from India.. Basmati Rice being the major product exported in huge quantity.
#5. Iraq: Iraq, officially known as the “Republic of Iraq”, a country in western asia accounts for the fifth largest marketplace for Indian origin goods. Iraq exports basmati rice in large quantity every year. Apart from Basmati Rice, the country also exports Buffalo Meat, Pulses, Processed Fruits and Juices, Groundnut, Poultry Products, alcoholic beverages, floriculture etc. In the last financial year i.e. F.Y:2016-17, Iraq imported goods worth Rs.5,000 Crores from India.
#6. Nepal: Nepal is the sixth largest marketplace for exporting Indian origin goods. Of the commodities imported by Nepal, main commodity is Non basmati rice, followed by commodities such as Fresh fruits and vegetables, misc processed items, pulses, floriculture etc. Nepal imported goods worth Rs. 4500 Crores in Financial Year: 2016-2017 from India.
#7. Malaysia: Malaysia known for its beaches, rainforests and mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and European cultural influences, accounts for the seven largest export marketplace of Indian origin goods. Malaysia mainly imports Buffalo meat in large quantity. Of other commodities imported are Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Groundnut, Basmati Rice, Cereal Preparations, Milled Products, Processed vegetables, dairy products etc. Malaysia imported commodities worth Rs.4,000 from India in the financial year 2016-2017 from India.
#8. Indonesia: Indonesia, the home to hundreds of ethnic groups speaking various languages is the eight largest marketplaces for Indian export market. Indonesia primarily exports buffalo meat, groundnut and non-basmati rice. Apart from these commodities, the country also imports poultry products, cocoa products, misc processed items, guargum, cereal preparations, milled products etc. Indonesia imported commodities amounting to Rs.3500 in the financial year 2016-17 from India.
#9. Bangladesh: Bangladesh, a neighboring country of India, is India’s ninth largest export marketplace for Indian origin products. Bangladesh mainly imports fresh fruits and vegetables from India. Apart from these products, Bangladesh also imports Cereal preparations, non-basmati rice, misc. processed items, other cereals, dairy products, fruits/vegetable seeds, cocoa products, groundnut, floriculture etc. Bangladesh imported goods amounting to Rs. 2,500 Crores in the financial year 2016-2017 from India.
#10. Egypt: Egypt, officially known as the Arab Republic of Egypt, a transcontinental country is India’s tenth largest export marketplace. Egypt exports buffalo meat and non-basmati rice in large quantities. Apart from this Basmati Rice, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Processed Fruits and Juices, Milled Products, Cocoa Products etc are also imported by Egypt. Egypt imported goods worth Rs.2,500 Crores in the Financial Year 2016-2017 from India.
#11. United Kingdom: K, a globally influential centre of finance and culture stands at the eleventh position at the export marketplace list of India. U.K imports mostly Basmati Rice, Processed Fruits and Juices, Fresh Fruits and Cereal Preparations from India. Apart from these, U.K also imports Fresh and Processed Vegetables, Guargum, Floriculture, Non-Basmati Rice, Pulses etc. In the financial year 2016-2017, U.K imported commodities worth Rs. 2,200 Crores from India.
#12. Kuwait: Kuwait known for its cultural heritage stands at twelfth position in terms of largest export marketplace for India. It imports mainly Basmati Rice, Buffalo Meat, Fresh vegetables and Non-Basmati Rice. Apart from these, Kuwait also imports Processed Fruits and Juices, Sheep/Goat Meat, Cereal Preparations, Dairy Products, Pulses , Milled Products etc. Kuwait imported goods worth Rs.2,000 Crores in the financial year 2016-2017 from India.
#13. Netherland: Netherland, famous for its flat landscape of canals, tulip fields, windmills and cycling routes ranks at thirteenth position in the list of largest export marketplace for India. It imports mainly Fresh Fruits, Processed Fruits and Juices, Basmati Rice and Groundnut. Apart from these it also imports Floriculture, Guargum, Cocoa Products, Processed Vegetables, Other Cereals, Poultry Products etc. Netherlands imported goods worth Rs. 2,000 Crores in the financial year 2016-2017 from India.
#14. Benin: Benin, a French speaking West African nation accounts for fourteenth position in terms of largest export marketplace for India. It imports few commodities from India namely Non-Basmati Rice, Misc Processed Items, Alcoholic Beverages, Cereal Preparations, Basmati Rice, Cocoa Products, Buffalo Meat, Fresh Fruits, Milled Products, Processed Vegetables, Pulses, Floriculture and Processed Fruits and Juices. In the last financial year i.e. F.Y:2016-2017, Benin imported goods worth Rs. 2,000 Crores from India.
#15. Oman: Oman, a nation on the Arabian Peninsula is ranked on fifteenth position in terms of largest export marketplace for India. Oman imports many commodities from India such as Basmati and Non-Basmati Rice, Buffalo Meat, Poultry Products, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Alcoholic Beverages, Cereal Preparation, Dairy Products, Processed Fruits and Juices, Guargum etc. Oman imported goods worth Rs. 1,500 Crores in the financial year 2016-2017 from India.
#16. Philippines: Philippines, a Southeast Asian country in the western pacific, ranks on sixteenth position in the list of largest export marketplace for India. It imports Buffalo Meat, Groundnut, Basmati and Non-Basmati Rice, Fresh Vegetables and Fruits, Dairy Products, Other Cereals, Cocoa Products, Processed Fruits and Juices, Processed Vegetables, Pulses, Poultry Products etc. Philippines imported goods worth Rs. 1,500 Crores in the financial year 2016-2017 from India.
#17. Qatar: Qatar, a peninsular arab country, ranks on seventeenth position in the list of largest export marketplace for India. It imports products such as Basmati and Non-Basmati Rice, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Buffalo Meat, Sheep/Goat Meat, Cereal Preparations, Milled Products, Other Cereals, Floriculture, Cocoa Products etc. Qatar imported goods worth Rs. 1,500 Crores in the financial year 2016-2017 from India.
#18. Senegal: Senegal, a country having rich French colonial heritage and many natural attractions ranks at eighteenth position in the list of largest export marketplace for India. It imports few commodities from India namely Basmati and Non-Basmati Rice, Buffalo Meat, Cereal Preparations, Misc Processed Items, Processed Vegetables, Fresh Vegetables, Processed Fruits and Juices, Milled Products, Cocoa Products, Fresh Fruits, Alcoholic Beverages, Guargum, Fruits/Vegetable Seeds and Poultry Products. Senegal imported goods worth Rs. 1,400 Crores in the financial year 2016-2017 from India.
#19. Russia: Russia, the world’s largest nation bordering European and Asian countries along with the Pacific and Arctic oceans, ranks on the Nineteenth position in the list of largest export marketplace for India. Russia imports commodities such as Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Basmati and Non-Basmati Rice, Guargum, Buffalo Meat, Groundnut, Processed Vegetables, Fruits and Juices, Poultry Products, Cocoa Products, Other Cereals, Milled Products etc. Russia imported goods worth Rs. 1,400 Crores in the financial year 2016-2017 from India.
#20. Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka, an island nation ranks on the twentieth position in the list of largest export market place for India. Sri Lanka imports commodities such as Basmati and Non-Basmati Rice, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Pulses, Other Cereals, Cereal Preparations, Alcoholic Beverages, Groundnut, Cocoa Products, Fruits/Vegetable seeds etc. Sri Lanka imported goods worth Rs. 1,400 Crores in the financial year 2016-2017 from India.
List of 20 countries has been enumerated above, which can prove to be a healthy guide for an entrepreneur, who is opting to start up export business in India. It is very clear that the commodities that are being exported to various countries are more or less same. This can be used as an opportunity by many, as people need not engage into many commodities. Even if you take up any single commodity from the above discussed list of products, even that would serve the purpose for you.
For instance, Basmati Rice has been imported by all the 20 countries in huge quantities, so if you start exporting Basmati Rice, to even one or two countries initially than you are sure to earn huge profits. Even if you keep the margins low, in order to provide competitive rates, then also you are sure to earn huge profits as volume of export will cover it up for you. The countries have been listed according to the amount of imports donei.e from highest to lowest.
Also Check :- Basmati Rice Export From India – DATA
It is very crucial to understand the market conditions, correct business techniques, demand and supply patterns, identifying potential and correct marketplace and carrying out relevant market research before starting out with any business. This blog is sure to help many young aspiring entrepreneurs out there who are going to start their own export business. They will be able to decide more clearly as to what commodities should they engage into and what countries should they target initially to start off with their business. Moreover it is very important to understand that starting up a business does not require a fancy degree but just skill, talent and application of correct business techniques at the correct time.